
About Me

Hello....welcome to my Blog!!!

Welcome to my blog....there is not specific theme to this blog, just me ranting about life, love, music, laughing & eating (the five most important things in my life)

A little bit about me:

I'm 22 years old and live in the beautifully intellectual city of Oxford in England. I briefly studied here for two years and fell in love when I was 19 with a boy here. I then went to dabble in the bright lights of London for work, study & play, but soon grew tired of it. After 2 and half years of courting with the boy we decided to take the plunge and move in together back we're we met (the ironic thing is we actually live extremely close to the club we had our first kiss in now).

I work in marketing in the Learning & Developing industry & I'm studying towards a degree in Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE), self-studying from home - I'm also slowly getting into trying to become fit and get that bikini body that every girl dreams about.

I love Food, Music, Good Books, Long Baths, Parties, Pubs, Coffee - all in that order. I'm also trying to curb my love for chocolate.

Contact me- either leave me a comment or tweet me: @mandymachado